High tech chips can control everything a bug does. Look to the future. That next shot the doctor gives you could be it. You will be out at night buying Subway and wonder why. Or you will all of a sudden love work and want to go every day. Watch for it....
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» It won't be long before the chips are in your head!
It won't be long before the chips are in your head!
Posted by mochtar
Posted on 02.32
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High tech chips can control everything a bug does. Look to the future. That next shot the doctor gives you could be it. You will be out at night buying Subway and wonder why. Or you will all of a sudden love work and want to go every day. Watch for it....
High tech chips can control everything a bug does. Look to the future. That next shot the doctor gives you could be it. You will be out at night buying Subway and wonder why. Or you will all of a sudden love work and want to go every day. Watch for it....
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