Here's the answer....and it harsh!
Allow everyone to go to a city ran grade school and be happy little clams. You get time to grow up and have fun playing dodge-ball as you please. All will be good.
When it's over.....
All kids move into a state ran school. Dorms and uniforms. Rich or poor you all dress the same, eat the same , and sleep the same. You are tested for IQ, app, and just what you can do in this world. Your education is handed out in that order. If you test and have the ass to be a doctor, well that's what the state trains you to be. If you show that you would be better off digging holes at a construction sight....You got it....That's your training. Don't get me wrong. You have to be educated to dig holes too. No exceptions. I don't care if you are the richest kid in the state. You test as a hole digger.....Well that's your lot in life. No quitting school, no saying you won't work the job the state trained you for, and no more sitting in a chair collecting a check. Everyone works.
Even if it's a farm picking fruit.
Face it too. If a kid knows that if they don't work hard in grade school to bring the grades up and have a good IQ.... Well they know what happens. I bet kids will work hard. For the ones who just can't learn....Yes it isn't their fault. But that's how it works. Some kids have limits. That can also be ADRESSED in grade school. Kid needs extra help....Parents to step up and help. Or if you don't care, your kid digs holes. Everyone will learn real fast that school isn't a baby sitter.
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