I Didn't Do It! It Wasn't Me! That's what he uses when police come to the door and ask him why he is a Canadian shit for brains. He is accused of two crimes with many offenses hooked in. He spat on some dude's face and told him to shut his pie hole. The dude was asking him to keep his car off the streets of their gated housing area. He said Bieber drives the car at warp speed around the housing area. Also the police want to know about some racing the kid may have been doing in said closed area. Spoiled little shit is all he is.
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The Justin Bieber Defense!
Posted by mochtar
Posted on 02.50
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I Didn't Do It! It Wasn't Me! That's what he uses when police come to the door and ask him why he is a Canadian shit for brains. He is accused of two crimes with many offenses hooked in. He spat on some dude's face and told him to shut his pie hole. The dude was asking him to keep his car off the streets of their gated housing area. He said Bieber drives the car at warp speed around the housing area. Also the police want to know about some racing the kid may have been doing in said closed area. Spoiled little shit is all he is.
I Didn't Do It! It Wasn't Me! That's what he uses when police come to the door and ask him why he is a Canadian shit for brains. He is accused of two crimes with many offenses hooked in. He spat on some dude's face and told him to shut his pie hole. The dude was asking him to keep his car off the streets of their gated housing area. He said Bieber drives the car at warp speed around the housing area. Also the police want to know about some racing the kid may have been doing in said closed area. Spoiled little shit is all he is.
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