This dim-wit put the baby in a freezer because it was crying and then tried to stop the child's mom from calling 911. Give me a ax and a shovel and this can be cleaned up in a day. Holy-shit! The baby cries because he/she needs something fuck head! Not the freezer! Can you think about what this dude will say in court? I can. "Dad and Mom always put me in the freezer and I'm okay!".
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» Man is a fucking dumb ass and is allowed to take care of kids!
Man is a fucking dumb ass and is allowed to take care of kids!
Posted by mochtar
Posted on 02.41
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This dim-wit put the baby in a freezer because it was crying and then tried to stop the child's mom from calling 911. Give me a ax and a shovel and this can be cleaned up in a day. Holy-shit! The baby cries because he/she needs something fuck head! Not the freezer! Can you think about what this dude will say in court? I can. "Dad and Mom always put me in the freezer and I'm okay!".
This dim-wit put the baby in a freezer because it was crying and then tried to stop the child's mom from calling 911. Give me a ax and a shovel and this can be cleaned up in a day. Holy-shit! The baby cries because he/she needs something fuck head! Not the freezer! Can you think about what this dude will say in court? I can. "Dad and Mom always put me in the freezer and I'm okay!".
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