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Worlds Largest Collection Cap Guinness Record set by Legried

Buckey Legried of Frost has broken his own record for the world's largest collection of caps.

Guinness World Records recorded the Minnesota crop farmer and livestock equipment dealer's collection at 100,336 caps as of March. That's a jump from the 2006 count of 82,792, which first earned him the Guinness title.

With his new certified count, he maintains his title as owner of most caps in the world.

Legried began collecting in 1970 with the goal of getting 1,000 caps.

Why? He jokes that he tried collecting money, but wasn't good at that.

The hats were easy to collect at farm trade shows. He liked the colors and he just kept getting more.

In fact, since the last Guinness count, Legried estimates he has received 5,000 more.

Most of those came from Jerry and Cherry Gumz, crop farmers from Indiana. Legried said they gave him 4,000 caps in April.

"My husband started collecting in the late '60s, early '70s," said Cherry. "That's when the seed companies and implement dealers started using caps as advertising the business."

Even after their big drop-off to Legried, Jerry still has 500 caps.

"When he had the chance to help Buckey get in the Guinness Book of World Records, that was an incentive to him. He felt his caps were doing some good that way, if he could give them to someone."

Legried's massive collection is stored inboxes inside two 48-foot covered semi trailers. He says he needs at least one more trailer.

He would like to be a guest on the Late Show with David Letterman and the Tonight Show with Jay Leno so he can make an appeal on national television for a museum.

"I hope someday to find a museum to put them in," he said.

Legried's caps have been featured three times on KSTP TV's "On the Road with Jason Davis." Davis has promised to return when the collection swells to 200,000 caps.

In the meantime, Legried is trying to collect caps that list nothing but state or Canadian province names. He already collected hats from John Deere dealers in each state and province.

He's also enjoying regional fame. A framed certificate from Guinness World Records and a picture of him and his caps are on display at the Corn Palace in Mitchell, S.D., where his first Guinness count took place. He also hosts bus tours occasionally at his home.

Ironically, he doesn't wear any of his caps.
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