Home » » Non Car Pushing Guinness World Record set by Adrian Kane

Non Car Pushing Guinness World Record set by Adrian Kane

A father-of-two from Woking is celebrating after pushing a car 26.2 miles - the length of a marathon – in under 10 hours.

Adrian Kane, 35, pushed the Smart car the Marathon distance in just nine hours and 20 minutes on Saturday to raise over £5,000 for World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and The Stroke Association, in memory of his mother Eileen, who died in January.

The world record distance for pushing a car in 24 hours is 17.06 miles and Adrian will now try to get his push approved by Guinness World Records.

Adrian said: “I have done a lot of training for this and in the last few miles it really paid off. It was tough work as the fatigue set in but I had set myself an ambitious target and I was determined to reach my goal. It was a massive help to have so many friends and family there on the day to support me. We even played Trivial Pursuit for the last 50 laps!

“It is a great feeling to know that I’ve done it in such a quick time. It’s been a dream of mine for some time to break a Guinness World Record and it is amazing to think I’ve done something that has never been done before. I’m hoping that Guinness will now approve it and that my record will stand for some time.

“I am also so pleased to have raised so much money for charities that are focused on cancer and strokes, which both affected my mum. I know that she would have been so proud of what I’ve achieved in her memory.

“Mum was first diagnosed with bowel cancer in May 2008. It was upsetting for all of us but we hoped she would be fine following her operation a few weeks later to remove the cancerous tissue.

“Ten days later she was recovering well at home when she suffered a massive stroke and had to return to hospital. The stroke left her paralysed down her right hand side and she pretty well lost the ability to speak. The severity of the stroke also meant she was unable to have the course of chemotherapy she was due to have.”

With the help of therapy Eileen was recovering when in June last year the cancer returned. After enjoying one last family Christmas together, she died on January 12, aged just 66.

Adrian added: “It was so devastating for us all. In just over 18 months our lovely, smiling, happy mother was gone. She had saved hard all her life for retirement and she would never get to enjoy it. She will never see her grandchildren grow up or get to play with them.

“After she died I was determined to achieve something special. I have had an interest in world records for a long time and after a bit of research I came across this particular record. I loved the idea of beating it and raising money for charity in mum’s memory.”

The international tax advisor was supported by his wife Nikki, 36, and his two children Darcy, two, and Harriet, nine months.

Natalie Tarrant, Events Manager at WCRF, said: “On behalf of everyone at WCRF I would like to congratulate Adrian on this amazing achievement. When I first heard about the idea for the challenge it sounded impossible. Adrian must be so proud to have completed it in such an amazing time and hopefully he can now enjoy a well-earned rest.

“We are so grateful he decided to use this challenge to support us. The money he raises for us will go towards research into the link between lifestyle and cancer and our education work that promotes the message that a third of the most common cancers could be prevented through eating healthily, being physically active and maintaining a healthy weight.”

It is not too late to sponsor Adrian by visiting http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/adriankane. Anyone interested in taking on a similar challenge can contact the WCRF Events Team by emailing events@wcrf.org or phoning 020 7343 4205.
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