Popular Mechanics wrote an article of the Most Dangerous Places To Live on the Planet. But I figured I could still take it one step further.
- Mount Everest’s summit. It’s cold and lacking a comfortable level of breathable air.
- The Ionosphere. Abundant cold, lack of oxygen, and bombardment by solar radiation all make living difficult. But if you survive long enough, Gravity will be sure to finish the job.
- Chernobyl’s Sarcophagus. A buffet of radioactive particles would love to give you cancer, but you’ll die of acute radiation poisoning far sooner.
- The Mariana Trench. The 36,000 feet of water would suffocate you, if it didn’t crush you first.
- Kilauea Volcano, Hawai’i. Continuous lava flows since 1983 make it difficult to maintain your footing. Or your feet.
- The Cretaceous Period. Tyrannosaurus Rex were not known for their hospitality.
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