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Nature Mistake – 5 Most Ugliest Bald Animals

Like in humans, baldness can be seen in animals as well. Hair loss in animals can be because of a lot of reasons including hormonal imbalance. We may have seen bald cats where there a lot of spot on the cat which are bald. This can be because of stress and is called as alopecia. Best Health Secret isHypothyroidism is found to be the cause in a lot of bald dogs.
Sometimes the balding is accompanied by itching and soreness and can be because of allergies as well in Mother Trip. People have often noticed that their pet rats have gone bald in some areas. Usually the bald rat can be the doing of a cage-mate. If there are no other symptoms, you wont have to worry much about this.
Bald bears can be very ugly the baldness can be caused by a lot of agents including fur diseases. Unlike people, baldness in animals is not limited only to the head and usually spreads all over the body. There have been a lot of bald chimpanzees in zoos and the cause of baldness often goes unanswered for World Travel. Even though these animals look ugly, they attract a lot of attention because of their unusual condition.

5. Bald Cat

Bald Cat2 Nature Mistake   5 Most Ugliest Bald Animals

4. Bald Dog

Ugly Dog Dies

3. Bald Rat

bald rat2 Nature Mistake   5 Most Ugliest Bald Animals

2. Bald Bear

bald bear2 Nature Mistake   5 Most Ugliest Bald Animals

1. Bald Chimpanzee

Bald Chimpanzee2 Nature Mistake   5 Most Ugliest Bald Animals
Bald Chimpanze 22 Nature Mistake   5 Most Ugliest Bald Animals
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