Driving in the dark is still one of the most strenuous driving situations and one which tends to present a greater risk. For improving the situation BMW developed this:

With the help of this cutting-edge technology, you can identify potential obstacles or roadside pedestrians quickly, keeping you securely in control.

BMW Night Vision uses an infrared camera with a 36° wide-angle lens - up to three times wider than other systems. It creates an image of the surroundings based on heat: warm objects such as animals or pedestrians appear as bright shapes.

This image is displayed in black and white on the display monitor. The camera can detect forms up to 300 metres away, giving the driver plenty of warning about forthcoming obstacles. Driving at 100 km/h, for example, this equals seven seconds: more than enough time to take evasive action if required. A digital zoom feature can zoom in on objects far away if driving with higher speeds.

The panning function turns the camera image automatically when the vehicle is cornering, enabling the driver to detect obstacles in and beyond the approaching bend.

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