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Blood Sucking Vampire Bat Facts

Vampire Bats - Desmodus rotundus - Blood Sucking Vampire Bat Facts

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The terrifying “Blood Sucking Vampire Bat” does not deserve its bad reputation attached to it by the Hollywood Movie Industry or Count Dracula. Inhabiting the humid and aired tropical and subtropical regions of South America, the Vampire Bat (Desmodus rotundus) is a considerably small bat. These tiny Flying Mammals rarely achieve a weight over 60 grams or reach a length of more than 100mm. Much smaller than the Fruit Bats which can obtain a 6ft + wingspan.
A Vampire Bat's Teeth are amazing and designed for a very specific function, to painlessly make an incision for removing blood. It is estimated that a Vampire Bat consumes on average 20-25 ml of blood each day. These little Blood Suckers take about 2 to 4 hours to feed if left un-interrupted. After selecting a spot on its prey (rarely the neck),
the bat prepares the area by shaving the hair or feathers using its sharp teeth. Next the little bat uses its long upper and lower middle incisors to bite and cut out very neat elliptical skin patches. Then for the next few hours the blood hungry Vampire Bat relaxes as is slurps up the blood of its prey.
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Wild Vampire Bats typically roost alone or in small colonies, however reports of Vampire Bat colonies with over 1000 individuals roosting together in the day have been documented. It is estimated that the Vampire Bat Breeding Season is year round, with some females capable of producing more then one litter a year. The female or mother bat usually delivers a single Baby Vampire Bat, but twins have been reported even though only one survives. A Vampire Bat Gestation Period lasts on average about 210 days with the baby bats born with their eyes completely open. For the next 10 months or so until they are completely weaned the baby Vampire Bats will supplement their diet with regurgitated blood from their mothers. YUM, my favorite! 
 Pictures of Vampire Bats
Picture of a Vampire Bat Vampire Bat
Vampire Bat 3 Vampire Bat 4
Human Vampire Bat Attacks are very rare but do occur, although they should not truly be considered an “attack”. More like a “Bat Feeding” than a “Bat Attack”. In the rare case that a Vampire Bat attempts to feed on human blood, it usually makes its bite on the victim’s toe or ankle. Unfortunately, a Vampire Bat bite is considered dangerous. Although the injury or wound itself is not severe, Vampire Bats are known Rabies Carriers. Immediately after a suspected bat wound is received one should have a doctor take a look to prescribe a safe course of action. If you look at Pictures of Vampire Bats, or specifically pictures of a Vampire Bat skull, you will notice that while it does have impressive canine teeth, they are still not capable of extreme damage. All in all these fantastic creatures do not deserve their bad reputation. Like all animals, the Vampire Bat deserves our respect, our admiration and our protection. We at the TIGER HOMES Sanctuary encourage your interest in wildlife and widllife protection. To learn more about some of Earth's most amazing animals David and I invite you to visit the Sanctuary’s “Educational Center” or better yet check out our amazing Animal Cams where you can literally import yourselves directly into the habitats of African Lions, Spotted Leopards, Madagascar Lemurs, and even the super rare White Tiger.
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