This condition is very rare; it is reported to occur in 1 in 4 million newborns worldwide. More than 130 cases have been reported in the scientific literature since the condition was first described in 1886. link
If you cry, you die. RAS syndrome
Little Tianna’s condition is triggered by tears, because if she does, her skin turns white, the body is stiffened, and her heart and breathing stops temporarily. She was diagnosed at 18 months old, and her parents have the difficult task to prevent her from crying.
Reflex anoxic seizure reportedly can also be triggered by pain, fear, fright or a very hot or cold bath.
Fortunately, reflex anoxic seizures generally receives less frequent and eventually stop in childhood. Sometimes the attacks persist until early adulthood. link
Ondine’s curse
This very rare and serious form of central sleep apnea involves an inborn failure of autonomic control of breathing. About 1 in 200,000 live born children have the condition. In 2006, there were only about 200 known cases worldwide. In all cases, episodes of apnea occur in sleep, but in a few patients, at the most severe end of the spectrum, apnea also occurs while
Pregnant baby
Fetus in fetu (or fœtus in fœtu) is a developmental abnormality: a mass of tissue inside the body that more or less resembles a fetus. There are two theories of origin concerning fetus in fetu. One theory is that the mass begins as a normal fetus but becomes enveloped inside its twin
The other theory is that the mass is a highly developed teratoma. Fetus in fetu is estimated to occur in 1 in 500,000 live births link
The inability to move the eyes from side to side.
Abnormal legs that never stops growing
“This is a very rare disorder. Certainly, less than one in a million,” said Dr. John Graham, director of clinical genetics at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. “Proteus syndrome is named for the Greek God who could change his form. And because it was such an apt description of how these individuals rapidly change form from appearing relatively normal as young children to this startling overgrowth, the name has remained with the disorder ever since then.”link
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