The jellyfish of Jellyfish Lake do sting, however, because their stinging cells are so tiny, their sting is not detectable on most human tissue. So this is perhaps the only place on earth where humans can enjoy swimming with them much closer than would be possible anywhere else.
Swimming with Jellyfish
Posted by mochtar
Posted on 01.42
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The Jellyfish Lake, or Ongeim’l Tketau as it is called in Palauan, is one of over 70 similar saltwater lakes scattered throughout the limestone “rock islands” of the southern portion of the main Palau archipelago. The Jellyfish Lake is a popular place for divers despite being the home to some ten million jellyfish.
The jellyfish of Jellyfish Lake do sting, however, because their stinging cells are so tiny, their sting is not detectable on most human tissue. So this is perhaps the only place on earth where humans can enjoy swimming with them much closer than would be possible anywhere else.
The jellyfish of Jellyfish Lake do sting, however, because their stinging cells are so tiny, their sting is not detectable on most human tissue. So this is perhaps the only place on earth where humans can enjoy swimming with them much closer than would be possible anywhere else.
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