When Kevin Cotter's wife of 12 years packed up and moved out last year, she left behind one thing in her closet – her wedding dress.
“You forgot something,” Cotter told her.
“And what’s that?” she replied.
“Your wedding dress.”
“Yeah, I’m not taking that.”
“What do you expect me to do with it?”
“Do whatever you want with it,” she said before she drove away.
And so he did. Cotter started a blog named My Ex-Wife’s Wedding Dress where he plans to show 101 awesome and creative ways of putting it to use – from door mat, to scarecrow, to dental floss. Cotter’s blog has become a viral phenomenon – he appeared at a television show, did numerous shows for local radios stations, and his story was featured in AOL News, Huffington Post and MSNBC.
Kevin Cotter has received plenty of dress use ideas and messages of support, praise and general amusement from all over the world. Literary agents began calling Cotter to discuss book possibilities.
Predictably, Cotter’s wife is not pleased. After the TV interview ran, his ex-wife issued a statement to the TV show that read in part: “I wish all the best to Kevin and hope he seeks counseling to deal with his anger and resentment.” She released another statement picked up by various media outlets that said: “His determination, along with his family’s support, to continue with this endeavor after his children and I have asked him to stop is incomprehensible.”
Cotter hasn’t yet reached his mark of 101 creative uses. At the time of this writing, he has published 36. Here are some of the amusing ones.
Oil rag
Dental floss
Dish rag

Dog toy
Gym towel
Oil pan
Shoe polish rag
Table cloth
Sporting event banner

Barber smock

Car wash towel
Coffee filter
Dog bed
Door mat
Drop cloth
Dust cloth
Golf towel
Grill apron
Ice pack
Skipping rope
Litter box liner

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