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Portraits Made out of Recycled Cassette Tape (17 pics)

Portraits of Musicians made out of Recycled Cassette Tape
Flickr user iri5 has an impressive series titled ‘Ghost in the machine’ of portraits of well-known musicians (such as Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison and Ian Brown, …) made from recycle cassette tape.

I am an artist who specializes in using non traditional media… old books, cassettes, playing cards, magazines, credit cards… whatever I can find. It feels great to work with strange, older materials. Things that have a mind of their own. Most everything I use has been thrown away or donated at some point. Past its prime, like some of the finest things in the world.

In this series I showcase a number of portraits of musicians made out of recycled cassette tape with original cassette. Also included are portraits made from old film and reels. The idea comes from a philosopher's (Ryle) description of how your spirit lives in your body. I imagine we are all, like cassettes, thoughts wrapped up in awkward packaging. : )


Meet Einstein - The World's Smallest Horse (7 pics)

Meet Einstein - The World's Smallest Horse (7 pics)
Meet Einstein, The World's Smallest Horse
A pint-sized horse was born on 23rd April Friday, 2010 at Tiz A Miniature Horse Farm, 158 Garland Road, Barnstead, New Hampshire, may be the smallest ever, his proud owners say. This pinto stallion, named as Einstein by his owners, Rachel Wagner and Charles Cantrell of Bellingham, weighing just 6 pounds and measuring 14 inches in height at birth. As the world’s smallest horse, the three-day old pinto stallion could be a record breaker. An application was already submitted by Wagner to the Guinness Book of World Records to see whether Einstein qualifies as the world’s smallest horse.
Judy Smith said that the average newborn mini-horse is 21 inches tall and weighs 18 pounds and also said that in more than 20 years of raising miniature horses, she has never seen one so small. The current world record held by Thumbellina, a chestnut mare was born 11 inches tall and 8.5 pounds in 2001 near St. Louis. Now, she stands 17.5 inches tall and weighs 58 pounds.

Co-owner Rachel Wagner said that “It’s the miracle in Barnstead.” No signs of dwarfism are seen in Einstein, says another co-owner, he is just a tiny horse: “This little guy is like all horses, he’s almost all leg.” Wagner doesn’t know if the size of the horse is decided by height or weight, and was unsure whether the horse must be measured when fully grown. A family practice physician, Wagner lives with husband Charles Cantrell, a live entertainment producer, in Bellingham, Wash. The couple spends their summers at a house in Gilmanton.

On Smith’s farm, 10 and 15 tiny horses are born each year. Electronic devices are attached to pregnant mares by Smith and her husband Larry and a beeper goes off at their bedside when the horse lays down in anticipation of giving birth. On Friday, at about 3 a.m the beeper went off as Einstein’s mother, said by Smith. Then, she stayed by his side for four hours after his birth to make sure he would be okay.

It is asked by Cantrell that if the horse was for sale, decided immediately to buy it as a gift for his wife. Cantrell’s wife is a family practice physician who owns a number of horses at their Washington home and rides them in equestrian equitation competitions.

At Tiz a Miniature Horse Farm, 48 miniature horses are there and on 8th May they will hold an pen house, a day when children and adults get to visit and interact with the mini-horses. (source:)

Did you know-What's the difference between an embassy and a consulate?

Did you know-What's the difference between an embassy and a consulate?

 A consulate is like a junior embassy. It's generally located in a busy tourist city, and takes care of minor diplomatic tasks such as issuing visas.

The word consulate literally means office of the consul, who is a diplomat appointed to foster trade and take care of expatriates. You can read some pointed essays about the role of the modern day consulate at the American Foreign Service site.

Embassies are much bigger deals. The word embassy comes from the French ambassade, or office of the ambassador. Ambassadors are high-ranking diplomatic representatives who serve as spokespersons for their national governments.

If one country recognizes the sovereignty of another, they generally establish an embassy there. Embassies take care of the same administrative duties as consulates, but they also represent their governments abroad.

This can be tricky business. For instance, the United States doesn't maintain an embassy in Taiwan (in order to maintain diplomatic relations with China), but it does operates a consulate there to take care of its overseas citizens.

For an interesting online look at another prickly diplomatic relation, check out the U.S. Embassy in Malaysia, which features a reaction statement to the recent incarceration of Malaysia's former Deputy Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim.

You may recall the famous photograph from 1975 of American citizens ostensibly fleeing the American embassy in Saigon.

The building was in fact an apartment complex across the street, but the message was clear: once the embassy leaves, the country symbolically leaves.

Interesting facts-World's First Photograph

World's First Photograph (1826): "View from the Window at Le Gras"

Centuries of advances in chemistry and optics, including the invention of the camera obscura, set the stage for the world's first photograph. In 1826, French scientist Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, took that photograph, titled View from the Window at Le Gras at his family's country home. Niépce produced his photo—a view of a courtyard and outbuildings seen from the house's upstairs window—by exposing a bitumen-coated plate in a camera obscura for several hours on his windowsill.

Animal world-Amazing fight of Crocodile & Hippo

Animal world-Amazing fight of Crocodile and Hippoanimal-world


Amazing facts-Heaviest people in history

Carol Yager (peak weight 727 kg/ 1,600 lbs)

Her peak weight reached up to 727 kg (16, 00 lbs). She was also famous for losing most weight by natural means. Carol Yager lost 521 lbs weight in just three months. Her skin was breaking down due to a bacterial infection that’s why she was admitted in Hurley Medical Center. She spent terrible time till her death. Carol Yager was unable to stand or walk because of her muscles were not strong enough. She died in a young of 34. Main causes of her death were kidney failure, multiple organ failure and morbid obesity.

Jon Brower Minnoch (peak weight 635 kg / 1400 lbs)

Likewise Carol Yager, Job Brower was also fat in his childhood. In the age of 12 his weight was 132 kg (292 lbs). He married to Jeannette, a woman of normal weight and had two sons. Minnoch was admitted to hospital for 16 months where he lost 419 kg but after being discharged, his weight double. He couldn’t improve any better and died on September 10, 1983, at age 42.

Manuel Uribe (597 kg / 1,316 lb)

Like other heavy people, Manuel Uribe is also living a hard life. He spends 9 years in bed from 2001 to 2009. Even he got married in bed with Claudia on October 26, 2008. On his wedding, he spoke loud and clear to all dishearten people saying “I am proof you can find love in any circumstances. It’s all a question of faith. I have a wife and will form a new family and live a happy life”.


Walter Hudson (544 kg / 1,200 lb)

World’s fourth heaviest power house was born in Brooklyn, New York. Walter came into lime light when he was trapped inside of his room’s door. Recue team had to break the wall to take him out. He loved to eat as once he said and I quote “”I just ate and enjoyed it”. Although he announced his wedding plans but that remains a dream for his. He died few weeks later.

Rosalie Bradford (544 kg / 1,200 lb)

Rosalie Bradford was Foodaholic since her childhood. Like all other weight giants, she gained weight in young age. At the age of 14 her weight was 92 kg and 140 kg at the age of 15. Rosalie married and had one son. After her marriage, she mostly spent her time at home and gain more weight. All that depressed her much and she tried to kill her using painkillers. Her weight eventually reduced to 136 kg (300 lb). She died on November 29, 2006 in the age of 63.

Dark world-Suffering of working children all over the world



A Touching Story

The train has started moving. It is packed with people of all ages, mostly with the working men and women and young college guys and gals. Near the window, seated a old man with his 30 year old son. As the train moves by, the son is overwhelmed with joy as he was thrilled with the scenery outside..
” See dad, the scenery of green trees moving away is very beautiful”
This behavior from a thirty year old son made the other people feel strange about him. Every one started murmuring something or other about this son.”This guy seems to be crazy..” newly married Anup whispered to his wife.

Suddenly it started raining… Rain drops fell on the travelers through the opened window. The Thirty year old son, filled with joy ” see dad, how beautiful the rain is ..”
Anup’s wife got irritated with the rain drops spoiling her new sari.
Anup ,” cant you see its rainin g, you old man, if Ur son is not feeling well get him soon to a mental asylum..and don’t disturb public henceforth”

The old man hesitated first and then in a low tone replied ” we are on the way back from hospital, my son got discharged today morning , he was a blind by birth, last week he got his vision, these rain and nature are new to his eyes.. Please forgive us for the inconvenience caused…”
The things we see may be right from our perspective until we know the truth. But when we know the truth our reaction to that will hurt even us. So try to understand the problem better before taking a harsh action.
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