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The island from LOST has been found.

The (LOST) island has been found and China wants it.   Japan may own it, China
might.   Who knows?  

                                  I figure they both want Kate......

                                 Shit, who can blame them.....

At first you don't see it....

                                       Then you ruined the fraking pizza!

Who knew Pizza was so interesting?

                                This young lady did.

Who wouldn't want a Dark Knight 300?

                                  You can order a Gotham City Dark Knight 300 from
                                  Chrysler today.   Minus the chain guns and the rockets.
                                  Bummer on that one, darn it.   You can put the same
                                  Wheels and Grille on any 300 too.

They like them young in Egypt!

I guess they like them dead and young.   Plus I can't picture how sex with a dead guy is going to work all so well.   If  the wife was sad when the dude was alive, well he sure isn't doing much dead.

                                    I am sure I heard they passed the law where men
                                    in Egypt can marry girls as young as 14 years old.
                                    Many girls don't even get to go to school after marriage.
                                    Real crime.   Plus think about being married at 14.
                                    Plus as the law reads the young 14 year old girl is a
                                    replacement bride on the death of a wife.  You think
                                    most older wives are safe over there?

                                         Here is a bunch of fine young men out looking.

                                             I do remember Mike liked to go there...

Playing God.

The rover we just landed on mars can't go any where near water or ice because the tools to drill were not in a clean area before take-off.   They could create new life on Mars.   Who's God now?

Don't forget a snack today.

Girl knows what to do with a Banana

The girls I want to bowl with.

Sexy Girls checking out the Goods

Don't forget to work out today.

naked jump roping

Baseball is still hot.

                                But these girls are from Nabraska.   Ya who cares?

Girls in the jungles playing wet soccer.

                                      That's a game to watch.

Time for Football!

While I don't watch much of it, I do like it.   It has it's days when it can be great to watch.   Most times I don't.    I have no fantasy team.   I don't have a bunch of guys over.   Just once in a blue moon I pop a beer and watch the show.   Best way to play.

Would you allow your girl to....

                                               Split it?    Might be fun.

A new Cell Phone?


This is safe sex spelled out the hard way.

                                        OMG the puppet goes through hell.

1561 UFO battle over Germany?

The above drawing was an every day paper of the day in Nurenberg Germany in 1561.   It was said to be a air battle that took place at sun rise over the city.   Several large and small air craft fighting an air battle.   Some even crashed and burned up.   Others blew up in the air.   Not hard to picture the cross vechicals as jets, or some flying machine like a jet.   Very cool.    Some other nearby counties in the same time had almost the same battles take place over their cities.   At the time they were not able to explain what it was.   This story really lays it out that we are not alone and have not been for several years.

This girl can swallow it all!

And more....

Hello! Yes my phone smells fishy!

                                         i want to use her phone.

Phoebe Cates....Classic nude.

                                             Now you can watch the only part in the
                                                      movie that was smoking.

The quaking ass!

                                     i like how she hits it and looks pleased.

Here's a sight that is messed up to the max!

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Nazi Pin Up Girls.

                          Is it wrong to think you could date one?

Well I would normally say.....

                          Did you see the tits on that chick?    But as of late money kind of
                                             CAUGHT MY EYES!

Keep smiling Mr. President...

                                               You won't be in November.  

Here we go again....

                                           All because one plant is closed?   Ya and
                                           blue berry jelly flies out my ass!

I have a bigger war chest!

                                                                 No not this.

                                                         No not this.


                                       You got it, the war chest.   The President out raised
                                        Romney this month.   Omg get him a medal.   Wow
                                        the President can spend more of our money on attack
                                        ads.   Omg I am impressed.

                                                          They should have to whip them out
                                                          and who ever is bigger wins.

Fraking funny shirt....

                         Do you get it?    What would Jesus do for a Klondike Bar?
                                   Walk on water?    Raise from the dead?

Just what I look for....

                             I'd have to ask.

Dam Dunkin!

This is the Big Toasty.    Dunkin has shown it all weekend on TV.    Monday...yes.

Friday night weird!

              We went over to our fav. Chinese place and found some new food.   Little
               squid cooked whole in veggies.   The pic I found looks a little like what they
               had.    But it was more like the first, only cooked.   A bunch of little squid with
               summer veggies and the ink.   O-my it was so good.    I want more.

You can get into Dharma a home.....

Found a sight where you can print the labels and make your cans fit into Lost.
Cool shit.   I might just print some and go to Sams to re-label some myself.

Sams club trip.

                                 Went to Sams club to shop this morn.

            I always think about the Dharma food drop in Lost.    O my God the sizes are big.

                                         Sometimes kind of packed almost the same.  Rice, beer.....

I love cam girls who love to suck spit together...

                                                 I don't know about the one girls forehead....

More drunk girls.

                          Now that's tight  and drunk  all at once.
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